Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Quantum Physics of Marriage

In quantum physics, there’s a phenomenon called Quantum Entanglement (QE) that Albert Einstein himself called, “spooky.”  Why this phenomenon works, no one really knows.  But, the effects of QE are beyond fascinating and has been a perpetual knot in physicists’ panties for years.  The more we learn about QE, the bigger this panty knot gets….to the point it’s just too uncomfortable to sit.  It is THAT real.

From the New York Times, May 4, 1935.

What exactly is QE?  Well, first, this just isn’t some made-up science stuff like Evolutionary Theory where some twit wearing tweed and a bowtie spews out some anti-God randomness with zero proof in the laboratory.  No.  This phenomenon is real, it is reproducible in the lab, and it’s even used in commerce as “the unbreakable” computer encryption code.  In fact, theory suggests that QE can even be used in the future to teleport objects across the Universe instantaneously…faster than the speed of light!  I expect Google to patent this soon…

Photo courtesy of
Anyway, before I make a super-lame attempt at explaining QE, I need to confuse you with some background physics.  First, there are trillions of trillions of trillions of particles in the Universe.  Believe it or not, there are more particles in the Universe than ex-husbands of Kim Kardashian.  And, like each of these exes, these particles have unique identifiers that distinguish them from each other.

Now, for QE, the particles used in the lab today are light particles, called photons.  For demonstration purposes, let’s say we take two photon particles that share every identifier except that one spins clockwise and the other spins counter-clockwise.  We’ll call these particles the Plus Photon and Minus Photon.  Remember, they’re almost identical except their rotational spins are opposite.  If you “entangle” the Plus Photon and the Minus Photon by getting them close to each other, they remember it….forever.  It’s like a memorable moment at the Photon Party, one they will never forget!

photo courtesy of

Now, imagine one sad day when these two “entangled” friends drift apart….way apart…like Plus Photon is hanging out in some skank-bar in the far side of the Universe and Minus Photon has stepped up in life and is hanging out at the country club on the complete other side of the Universe.  They are separated as far as possible.  One day, Plus Photon has decided to get a “photon change” and decides he’s going to spin the other way, the same way Minus Photon does.  Because they had their memorable moment at the Photon Party, as soon as Plus Photon spins the other way, Minus Photon IMMEDATELY and UNCONTROLLABLY changes spin too.  Minus Photon is now Plus Photon and Plus Photon is now Minus Photon in every measurable way.  From a distance, it looks as if they have switched places across the entire Universe faster than the speed of light.  They have teleported.  Spooky, right?

I was thinking about QE this morning (as all rational people do first thing in the morning) and I was struck at the dichotomy of QE and marriage.  There’s just something about being married in a church with a partner that God has chosen for you.  I cannot imagine spending every day with anyone other than my wife…even though, sometimes, I think I drive her crazy.  What is that feeling we get from marriage…the marriage between one man and one woman?  The marriage of opposites?  Do same sex couples get that same feeling?  I truly don’t know.  But, interestingly, God’s Word says that a man must leave his mother and father and be united with his wife, as one flesh.  One flesh…one working system…one working system that complements the other.  Just as Plus Photon balanced out Minus Photon to bring harmony to the Universe, we too must unite with our opposite to do the same.  This is the heart of the matter for QE: one Plus and one Minus works as One Flesh.  If you try to change the arrangement, it doesn’t work.  In fact, with QE, you CANNOT change the arrangement…you merely teleport.

I’m not writing this to bash same sex marriage.  In all seriousness, I cannot discredit something I do not understand.  QE may work for these marriages too?  Honestly, I’m not an expert in the physics of marriage.  And, sometimes, marriage between a man and a woman doesn’t end up working in harmony either.  I’m guessing it’s because they married for the wrong reasons: money, to get away from family, or some drunken night in Vegas.  Who knows?

I’m writing this because there’s something more to marriage than just a piece of paper…than just a ceremony in a church.  Imagine finding that perfect opposite, chosen by God, who balances you out, makes both of you better, and brings harmony to the Universe?  QE and physics says it can happen.

Quantum Entanglement eludes that there’s so much more out there that we do not understand.  A truth in the universe that we can actually see in the lab, yet we are completely baffled as to how and why.  And, just because someone else does not feel it or understand it, this does not discount that the Physics of Marriage may be real for someone else.  Remember: 1) you and your QE partner must meet each other; 2) your QE partner for life must share the same quantum numbers as you…except one; and, 3) that one different number must be your opposite.  Sounds a lot like dating, doesn't it?

Maja_9 by Maay
I feel that a marriage between a man who leaves his parents to unite with his wife, as a pair chosen by God, transcends another part of the Universe that we can feel, yet we do not see nor can we measure.  It transcends so much more than a marriage certificate or even our vows.  It’s like there’s a force beyond our understanding that just says everything is perfect right now.  We are wholly part of it, yet we don’t know why.  Is this the “sanctity of marriage” so many talk about?  How do we feel it?  Why do we feel it?  I don’t know; but, I know God has a part in it.  And, above all, we must value it: the Quantum Physics of Marriage.