Sunday, January 18, 2015

Science and the Holy Trinity

Science and the Holy Trinity

There’s been a raging debate for years as to whether science and religion can co-exist.  And, it’s often a not-so-friendly debate.  Many scientists argue that God does not exist because there is no proof, nor evidence, for His existence; while, theologians argue that God has revealed himself all around us and we just need to have faith that He is there.  This debate is laughable in my view.  Without faith from either side, the argument becomes a matter of “my philosophy is better than your philosophy,” with each side just hating each other even more.  With that said, for this article I’m not going to enter the debate as to which side is right.  Instead, I think both can exist, together.  I plan to use science to possibly explain a long-standing theological mystery…after I place some new thoughts into your head.

In my opinion, for someone to say science and religion cannot co-exist defies logic and must lie solely with personal reasons.  Take, for example, Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist and outspoken atheist.  He’s boldly taken the job of trying to prove the Universe can exist without God.  God is not visible, not calculable, and not measurable; therefore, according to Hawking, God does not exist.  BUT…..if you were to claim the Universe doesn't contain “Dark Matter”, Mr. Hawking will mock you in monotone-digital narration from the convenience of his wheel chair as a “believer in miracles” (those beady, glassed eyes can be real cold when you challenge mathematics).  And, what exactly is Dark Matter?  Well, no one really knows, but it's vital to cosmology and understanding the Universe.  It’s everywhere, we don’t see it, we really can’t measure it, the universe needs it, and we can only calculate it because there’s a gaping hole in cosmological mathematical theory without it.  You might call it the “god” of astrophysics?  For someone so logical, it becomes laughable when Stephen Hawking challenges God but believes unequivocally in Dark Matter.  With logic out the window, it’s like Hawking has some personal beef with God?

I’m not picking on Stephen Hawking because he cannot catch me in his wheelchair (that would be just mean).  I chose him specifically because he’s so outspoken about his atheism.  To him, God and science CANNOT co-exist.  And, he’s not the only scientist who, while brilliant, put aside logic with what seems to be some personal issue with God.

If we put our personal issues aside, can God and Science truly co-exist?  As a scientist myself, I find that the more science discovers, the more we realize that God truly does exist.  Even Stephen Hawking claimed in his book, A Brief History of Time, that a Unifying Theory (of the Universe) would lead us towards the mind of God, “if God existed, which he doesn't.”  Times have changed and I think we’re ready for a renaissance in theology…thanks to scientists like Stephen Hawking.  Thanks, Stephen!  And, God thanks you too!

I may write about other theological mysteries with a scientific explanation in the future; but, today, I’m going to tackle the mystery of the Holy Trinity.  I think science can give us a plausible look into God’s mystery of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  This concept has baffled theologians since it was first proposed nearly 2,000 years ago, and today we are just as mystified.  Theologians have always claimed to not understand it.  Science has said it doesn't make sense: one person but three?  No explanation.  But, then… in walked sleek and sexy String Theory.

What exactly is String Theory?  What I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with swimsuits or ladies underwear.  All you need to know right now is that String Theory is a mathematical scientific theory which proposes the Universe exists in several dimensions, not just the three dimensions we see.  How many dimensions?  We think maybe ten…but, definitely more than six.  Now, I must forewarn you that not all scientists have accepted String Theory as legitimate; but, may be the closest we are to a Unifying Theory than any other theory (even particle theory).

What’s so important about multiple dimensions?  Well, for one, it helps explain gravity in a concise fashion.  While we only see dimensions x, y, and z (three dimensions), the other dimensions provide quite a utility for other forces…such as gravity.  Funny, right?  All this time you probably thought we knew everything about something as simple as gravity?  Well…when the particles get really small, we don’t.  We don’t even know what gravity is made of?  The study of this is known as the field of Quantum Gravity.  What String Theory says is that invisible forces lie in these hidden dimensions of space, the dimensions other than x, y, and z.  We can feel them, but we can’t really see them.  What if science had just cued us to God’s presence?  Not just in the physical, but in the spiritual as well?  The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost experienced in different dimensions?  I think it makes sense.

The first three dimensions of space are x, y, and z…like the graph you labored over in algebra class.  Some call it length, width, and height.  It’s the space-time we touch and see.  Imagine God as the ten dimensions of space as predicted by String Theory and Jesus (The Son) as the three dimensions of God that we can touch and see.  We can’t see the other seven dimensions of God because they’re hidden as String Theory predicts; but, we can experience God as The Son in three of the ten total.

Now, remember back when I said quantum gravity requires more than three dimensions?  More than the three we see and feel?  We know it’s there…we can feel it.  We just can’t see it.  What if the Holy Spirit were hidden in these dimensions as well?  Experiencing the Holy Spirit in some sort of super-natural way is well documented.  We know it happens, we don’t see it, and we don’t know why.  Sounds like quantum gravity, right?  What if the Holy Spirit were the part of God that we experience in another dimension?  A dimension we don’t see, such as the one that gives us quantum gravity?  It’s still one person…God.  We’re just experiencing Him in another dimension, the “Holy Spirit Dimension.”

Finally, there’s the whole being of God.  He’s the Universe.  He’s all dimensions.  What if we cannot fully experience God in all of these dimensions because we’re only a three-dimensional being?  Maybe it’s why we can’t see God?  He’s hidden in ten dimensions and we can only see three.  In the Bible, it documents God as saying, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” (Exodus 33:20)  Why can’t we see God’s face and live?  I’m guessing because our three dimensional bodies would have to be torn across seven other dimensions of the Universe to fully experience God.

Can science and religion co-exist?  Absolutely.  I think mathematics and String Theory elude to the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Three people, one person.   Jesus (The Son) is the three dimensions of God we can see, the Holy Spirit is the part of God in a hidden dimension we don’t see, and God is all dimensions we’ll never see until we die.  God is one person and we merely experience him differently in different dimensions.  The Holy Trinity, a ten dimensional person, as predicted by science.  Consider mind blown right now.