Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Evolution and the Ridiculous

by an obnoxious guy

During some “light” reading on my recent flight home from Florida, I read a fascinating article in December’s Scientific American magazine…in which I MUST share with you.  It was yet another article, written in intellectually-superior prose, describing how evolution really does exist.  Their proof:  a spider that “evolved” to look like its prey.   The jumping spider apparently “evolved” voluntarily to look like an ant.  It creepily hangs out un-noticed around the nest where it picks off prey one-by-one.  Like a scene from X-Men…or, X-Spiders…the jumping spider can slowly and voluntarily change its body to look like its food.  But, that’s not the fascinating part….

My first thought on the article:  are there still evolutionists around?  Didn’t they become extinct with medical phrenology?  I mean, their arguments are just plain ridiculous.  Spiders who morph into ants just for a meal?  I’m beginning to think the Neanderthals didn’t become extinct…they became evolutionists.  It’s like you and I live in houses with wi-fi and the evolutionists live in some damp hole throwing spears at cave art, refusing to join modern society.  Will they ever admit that they’re wrong?  But, that’s not the fascinating part….

And, it’s more than just one article about ants “evolving” sci-fi style that makes evolution theory ridiculous.  A couple years back, my wife and I visited the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.  As a professional nerd, I was amped to get my geek on.  Walking through the Smithsonian, it did not disappoint.  Then…there it was….lit up as the main attraction…lines filed in an orderly manner….it was: The Human Evolution Exhibit.  It was brand new…and, it still had that new exhibit smell!  The exhibit proposed that humans in Africa who migrated north to the cold “evolved” from tall, thin people into short, fat people to adapt the cold.  Really?  IT’S THE SMITHSONIAN!  THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE SMART!  I’ve been to Florida…it’s warm there and I’ve seen fat people…lots of them there.  While I may be completely wrong, my explanation for our biological diversity would be:  people who don’t like it hot move north; and, they tend to be shorter and fatter.  Instead, evolutionists suggest the opposite: people who don’t like the cold get short and fat.  I laughed so hard at their exhibit that I think I peed myself a little.  How did my visit end?  Disappointment…and, dirty underwear.  But, that’s not the fascinating part…

THIS is the fascinating part: some scientists still believe in evolution!  Does the theory of evolution even carry enough evidence to rank it as science?  Does society even believe spiders (or humans) could voluntarily change their bodies in catastrophic proportions to adapt?  Do you, yourself, believe such transformations can occur voluntarily?  It’s like the P.T. Barnum & Bailey Circus has come to town and they’re charging 50 cents to see the Evolution freak-show.  In my filing cabinet at home, I have filed “Evolution Theory” in my “Ridiculous” folder.

To illustrate my point, I have presented The Smithsonian’s explanation of the Theory of Evolution and my rebuttal to its absurdity in a nice, easy-to-read pictogram below.  Just remember what the Smithsonian says about human evolution: tall, thin people who like hot weather became short, fat people to adapt to the cold in the north.

It’s cold in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark; yet, how do evolutionists explain that Scandinavians tend to be tall and thin?  The answer:  they can’t.  Yet, they pass their Theory of Evolution off as “science”.  In these four simple photos, I have challenged the entire evolutionary scientific field…and, it took about 5 minutes to build this pictogram.  If Nicki Minaj moved to Sweden, how long would it take for her to look Swedish?  One year?  Ten years?  One hundred thousand years?  Can we just send her there and find out?  The answer is: not in our lifetime.

I thereby end my rebuttal of evolutionary theory and hereby re-classify it on my Netflix list from Drama to Comedy.  It’s just not serious enough to be drama.  In fact, evolution is “theory” because it has not yet been proven.  And, I’m guessing it never will be proven.  Sure, evolutionists have Nikki Minaj…but, does that really make them better than me?  What evolutionists don’t have is a future in science.  That makes them the incandescent bulb in a room full of LED’s, and on the evolutionary extinction list.