Tuesday, May 19, 2015

String Theory - The Voice of God

I've heard for years from people who are self-proclaimed geniuses about the absurdity of the Bible’s claim that God spoke everything into existence.  And, by proxy, all those who believe in the Bible are similarly absurd.  Of course, every logical argument requires some sort of evidence; in which, these “geniuses” cite particle physics, complicated mathematical equations, and advanced cosmological theories.  The claim is that these advanced theories by modern man are the end-all of knowledge and any theory written by a book over three millennia old is obsolete.  And, with that, the Bible is obsolete.

But, there is trouble in this atheistic utopian nerd paradise.  Particle physics has several BIG problems, such as: the singularity of the Big Bang, the incompatibility of Quantum Field Theory and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, and, why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces.  The “geniuses” have discovered that it’s much simpler and cleaner if the gaps in their hyperbolas are merely ignored…because, infinity can be such a drag in their theories.  And, when you challenge the theories of  these “geniuses”, we get the standard Chris Farley rebuttal of, “Well, I think your brain has a thick candy shell.”  Brilliance….

And, then…there was String Theory.  A challenger to particle physics, String Theory achieves so much more than we could have ever imagined.  Are there problems with String Theory?  Yes.  But, with time, many of these problems may be resolved.  It is important to remember that modern particle physics has been around for several centuries (quantum physics for nearly 100 years) and String Theory has only seen a boom in the last 20 or so years. 

String Theory challenges modern science in many ways.  One mind-blowing thought is that particles are actually vibrating strings (or something like a string) that creates a disturbance around it.  This disturbance gives it the appearance of a particle.  Think of it this way…say you take a speaker and boom Chris Brown hip hop into a bucket of water.  What happens to the water?  It moves and shakes…as if it wants to vomit.  That’s the premise to String Theory: a vibration or sound is moving space and creating a disturbance that looks like a particle. 

So, how do these sounds create different “particles”?  Think of your voice.  The sound of each individual’s voice is at a frequency that is entirely unique to that person.  The sound of your voice is unique to you.  When you speak, it identifies you and only you.  When someone else speaks, their voice identifies them only.  String Theory predicts the same for particles.  Protons, electrons, neutrons, etc. are defined by the frequency of their voice.  A proton does not sound like an electron or it would be an electron - it sounds like a proton as predicted by String Theory.

WAAAAT?  You mean that frequencies and sounds make up everything?  It’s like the universe is made up of different voices?  String Theory says so.

This is 2015.  Over 2500 years ago, the book of Psalms in the Bible told us:

For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. Psalm 33:9

Over 3000 years ago, Moses wrote:

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3

So, you’re saying that the Bible told us over 3000 years ago that the sound and frequencies of God’s voice made everything…just like String Theory predicts?  Mind blown.

Now, to really blow your mind about how awesome God is and the miracle of the written Bible: nearly 3000 years ago, the Bible tells us:

So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.  Deuteronomy 8:3

Most Bible scholars would call the word of God the written Bible.  I don’t disagree.  But, I would also add that the word of God is everything…everything in the universe.  Every “particle” is the voice of God, just at different frequencies.  Protons are the voice of God at a specific frequency.  Electrons are the voice of God at their own frequency.  Quarks, gluons, muons, neutrinos….you name it, it’s the voice of God with its own frequency.  If we could hear it, I imagine it would be the most beautiful song we would ever hear!

Neil Degrasse Tyson, a famous scientist, has been quoted as saying,

“I don't have an issue with what you do in the church, but I'm going to be up in your face if you're going to knock on my science classroom and tell me they've got to teach what you're teaching in your Sunday school. Because that's when we're going to fight.

Irony is that Martha Stewart has been to prison and Miley Cyrus hasn’t.  And…irony is that my Sunday School class may know more than Neil Degrasse Tyson when it comes to how the universe was formed.  String Theory says it might be so...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Quantum Physics of Marriage

In quantum physics, there’s a phenomenon called Quantum Entanglement (QE) that Albert Einstein himself called, “spooky.”  Why this phenomenon works, no one really knows.  But, the effects of QE are beyond fascinating and has been a perpetual knot in physicists’ panties for years.  The more we learn about QE, the bigger this panty knot gets….to the point it’s just too uncomfortable to sit.  It is THAT real.

From the New York Times, May 4, 1935.

What exactly is QE?  Well, first, this just isn’t some made-up science stuff like Evolutionary Theory where some twit wearing tweed and a bowtie spews out some anti-God randomness with zero proof in the laboratory.  No.  This phenomenon is real, it is reproducible in the lab, and it’s even used in commerce as “the unbreakable” computer encryption code.  In fact, theory suggests that QE can even be used in the future to teleport objects across the Universe instantaneously…faster than the speed of light!  I expect Google to patent this soon…

Photo courtesy of
Anyway, before I make a super-lame attempt at explaining QE, I need to confuse you with some background physics.  First, there are trillions of trillions of trillions of particles in the Universe.  Believe it or not, there are more particles in the Universe than ex-husbands of Kim Kardashian.  And, like each of these exes, these particles have unique identifiers that distinguish them from each other.

Now, for QE, the particles used in the lab today are light particles, called photons.  For demonstration purposes, let’s say we take two photon particles that share every identifier except that one spins clockwise and the other spins counter-clockwise.  We’ll call these particles the Plus Photon and Minus Photon.  Remember, they’re almost identical except their rotational spins are opposite.  If you “entangle” the Plus Photon and the Minus Photon by getting them close to each other, they remember it….forever.  It’s like a memorable moment at the Photon Party, one they will never forget!

photo courtesy of

Now, imagine one sad day when these two “entangled” friends drift apart….way apart…like Plus Photon is hanging out in some skank-bar in the far side of the Universe and Minus Photon has stepped up in life and is hanging out at the country club on the complete other side of the Universe.  They are separated as far as possible.  One day, Plus Photon has decided to get a “photon change” and decides he’s going to spin the other way, the same way Minus Photon does.  Because they had their memorable moment at the Photon Party, as soon as Plus Photon spins the other way, Minus Photon IMMEDATELY and UNCONTROLLABLY changes spin too.  Minus Photon is now Plus Photon and Plus Photon is now Minus Photon in every measurable way.  From a distance, it looks as if they have switched places across the entire Universe faster than the speed of light.  They have teleported.  Spooky, right?

I was thinking about QE this morning (as all rational people do first thing in the morning) and I was struck at the dichotomy of QE and marriage.  There’s just something about being married in a church with a partner that God has chosen for you.  I cannot imagine spending every day with anyone other than my wife…even though, sometimes, I think I drive her crazy.  What is that feeling we get from marriage…the marriage between one man and one woman?  The marriage of opposites?  Do same sex couples get that same feeling?  I truly don’t know.  But, interestingly, God’s Word says that a man must leave his mother and father and be united with his wife, as one flesh.  One flesh…one working system…one working system that complements the other.  Just as Plus Photon balanced out Minus Photon to bring harmony to the Universe, we too must unite with our opposite to do the same.  This is the heart of the matter for QE: one Plus and one Minus works as One Flesh.  If you try to change the arrangement, it doesn’t work.  In fact, with QE, you CANNOT change the arrangement…you merely teleport.

I’m not writing this to bash same sex marriage.  In all seriousness, I cannot discredit something I do not understand.  QE may work for these marriages too?  Honestly, I’m not an expert in the physics of marriage.  And, sometimes, marriage between a man and a woman doesn’t end up working in harmony either.  I’m guessing it’s because they married for the wrong reasons: money, to get away from family, or some drunken night in Vegas.  Who knows?

I’m writing this because there’s something more to marriage than just a piece of paper…than just a ceremony in a church.  Imagine finding that perfect opposite, chosen by God, who balances you out, makes both of you better, and brings harmony to the Universe?  QE and physics says it can happen.

Quantum Entanglement eludes that there’s so much more out there that we do not understand.  A truth in the universe that we can actually see in the lab, yet we are completely baffled as to how and why.  And, just because someone else does not feel it or understand it, this does not discount that the Physics of Marriage may be real for someone else.  Remember: 1) you and your QE partner must meet each other; 2) your QE partner for life must share the same quantum numbers as you…except one; and, 3) that one different number must be your opposite.  Sounds a lot like dating, doesn't it?

Maja_9 by Maay
I feel that a marriage between a man who leaves his parents to unite with his wife, as a pair chosen by God, transcends another part of the Universe that we can feel, yet we do not see nor can we measure.  It transcends so much more than a marriage certificate or even our vows.  It’s like there’s a force beyond our understanding that just says everything is perfect right now.  We are wholly part of it, yet we don’t know why.  Is this the “sanctity of marriage” so many talk about?  How do we feel it?  Why do we feel it?  I don’t know; but, I know God has a part in it.  And, above all, we must value it: the Quantum Physics of Marriage.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Science and the Holy Trinity

Science and the Holy Trinity

There’s been a raging debate for years as to whether science and religion can co-exist.  And, it’s often a not-so-friendly debate.  Many scientists argue that God does not exist because there is no proof, nor evidence, for His existence; while, theologians argue that God has revealed himself all around us and we just need to have faith that He is there.  This debate is laughable in my view.  Without faith from either side, the argument becomes a matter of “my philosophy is better than your philosophy,” with each side just hating each other even more.  With that said, for this article I’m not going to enter the debate as to which side is right.  Instead, I think both can exist, together.  I plan to use science to possibly explain a long-standing theological mystery…after I place some new thoughts into your head.

In my opinion, for someone to say science and religion cannot co-exist defies logic and must lie solely with personal reasons.  Take, for example, Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist and outspoken atheist.  He’s boldly taken the job of trying to prove the Universe can exist without God.  God is not visible, not calculable, and not measurable; therefore, according to Hawking, God does not exist.  BUT…..if you were to claim the Universe doesn't contain “Dark Matter”, Mr. Hawking will mock you in monotone-digital narration from the convenience of his wheel chair as a “believer in miracles” (those beady, glassed eyes can be real cold when you challenge mathematics).  And, what exactly is Dark Matter?  Well, no one really knows, but it's vital to cosmology and understanding the Universe.  It’s everywhere, we don’t see it, we really can’t measure it, the universe needs it, and we can only calculate it because there’s a gaping hole in cosmological mathematical theory without it.  You might call it the “god” of astrophysics?  For someone so logical, it becomes laughable when Stephen Hawking challenges God but believes unequivocally in Dark Matter.  With logic out the window, it’s like Hawking has some personal beef with God?

I’m not picking on Stephen Hawking because he cannot catch me in his wheelchair (that would be just mean).  I chose him specifically because he’s so outspoken about his atheism.  To him, God and science CANNOT co-exist.  And, he’s not the only scientist who, while brilliant, put aside logic with what seems to be some personal issue with God.

If we put our personal issues aside, can God and Science truly co-exist?  As a scientist myself, I find that the more science discovers, the more we realize that God truly does exist.  Even Stephen Hawking claimed in his book, A Brief History of Time, that a Unifying Theory (of the Universe) would lead us towards the mind of God, “if God existed, which he doesn't.”  Times have changed and I think we’re ready for a renaissance in theology…thanks to scientists like Stephen Hawking.  Thanks, Stephen!  And, God thanks you too!

I may write about other theological mysteries with a scientific explanation in the future; but, today, I’m going to tackle the mystery of the Holy Trinity.  I think science can give us a plausible look into God’s mystery of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  This concept has baffled theologians since it was first proposed nearly 2,000 years ago, and today we are just as mystified.  Theologians have always claimed to not understand it.  Science has said it doesn't make sense: one person but three?  No explanation.  But, then… in walked sleek and sexy String Theory.

What exactly is String Theory?  What I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with swimsuits or ladies underwear.  All you need to know right now is that String Theory is a mathematical scientific theory which proposes the Universe exists in several dimensions, not just the three dimensions we see.  How many dimensions?  We think maybe ten…but, definitely more than six.  Now, I must forewarn you that not all scientists have accepted String Theory as legitimate; but, may be the closest we are to a Unifying Theory than any other theory (even particle theory).

What’s so important about multiple dimensions?  Well, for one, it helps explain gravity in a concise fashion.  While we only see dimensions x, y, and z (three dimensions), the other dimensions provide quite a utility for other forces…such as gravity.  Funny, right?  All this time you probably thought we knew everything about something as simple as gravity?  Well…when the particles get really small, we don’t.  We don’t even know what gravity is made of?  The study of this is known as the field of Quantum Gravity.  What String Theory says is that invisible forces lie in these hidden dimensions of space, the dimensions other than x, y, and z.  We can feel them, but we can’t really see them.  What if science had just cued us to God’s presence?  Not just in the physical, but in the spiritual as well?  The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost experienced in different dimensions?  I think it makes sense.

The first three dimensions of space are x, y, and z…like the graph you labored over in algebra class.  Some call it length, width, and height.  It’s the space-time we touch and see.  Imagine God as the ten dimensions of space as predicted by String Theory and Jesus (The Son) as the three dimensions of God that we can touch and see.  We can’t see the other seven dimensions of God because they’re hidden as String Theory predicts; but, we can experience God as The Son in three of the ten total.

Now, remember back when I said quantum gravity requires more than three dimensions?  More than the three we see and feel?  We know it’s there…we can feel it.  We just can’t see it.  What if the Holy Spirit were hidden in these dimensions as well?  Experiencing the Holy Spirit in some sort of super-natural way is well documented.  We know it happens, we don’t see it, and we don’t know why.  Sounds like quantum gravity, right?  What if the Holy Spirit were the part of God that we experience in another dimension?  A dimension we don’t see, such as the one that gives us quantum gravity?  It’s still one person…God.  We’re just experiencing Him in another dimension, the “Holy Spirit Dimension.”

Finally, there’s the whole being of God.  He’s the Universe.  He’s all dimensions.  What if we cannot fully experience God in all of these dimensions because we’re only a three-dimensional being?  Maybe it’s why we can’t see God?  He’s hidden in ten dimensions and we can only see three.  In the Bible, it documents God as saying, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” (Exodus 33:20)  Why can’t we see God’s face and live?  I’m guessing because our three dimensional bodies would have to be torn across seven other dimensions of the Universe to fully experience God.

Can science and religion co-exist?  Absolutely.  I think mathematics and String Theory elude to the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Three people, one person.   Jesus (The Son) is the three dimensions of God we can see, the Holy Spirit is the part of God in a hidden dimension we don’t see, and God is all dimensions we’ll never see until we die.  God is one person and we merely experience him differently in different dimensions.  The Holy Trinity, a ten dimensional person, as predicted by science.  Consider mind blown right now.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Evolution is Real...My Retraction

I must sincerely apologize for my blog post last week in which I critically and unapologetically accused Evolutionary Theory as being false.  After much researching, I did find the following article to suggest that Evolution is indeed proven, is not fantasy, and does exist.  Again, my apologies.

– Sincerely, Obnoxious Guy


Obnoxious Press, December 30, 2014

In breaking news for the scientific world today, a laboratory team has successfully performed catastrophic multi-gene mutation thereby solving a long-standing mystery of evolutionary theory.  In what was known as, “Project Turnip”, a common garden turnip has been evolved into a human being in the first-known catastrophic cross-species mutation.  What would normally take millions or billions of years, now only takes a few hours in a specially designed laboratory.

“We now have proof of evolution.  The implications are astounding,” says world-famous scientist, Dr. Evil, and team leader of the group.  “I now have a whole bag of ‘shhhh’ for all those wacky anti-science nay-sayers.  In over 150 years of searching, we have finally produced the first observable evidence of catastrophic cross-species evolution.  It was like the Universe finally threw me a freakin’ bone!  This technology will revolutionize MY world…. ummm, I mean, our world.”  According to Dr. Evil, Project Turnip is just the beginning.  Their next project will be to incorporate his DNA into a peanut’s genetic make-up.   This mutation will be known as ‘Project Mini-Me’.

To develop this breakthrough in biological science, new technology had to be developed.  Traditionally, biologists would use viral RNA manipulation of DNA to transform the organisms.  However, this technology is very limited.  Too many DNA manipulations kill the host organism; thereby, making evolution into other species just not possible.

“For over 100 years, we’ve always been taught that there’s a lab somewhere in which scientists evolve new species every day in a test tube.” – Dr. Harry Potter

“All the work scientists have done in trying to prove evolution has instead proven the contrary, that evolution is non-existent,” says team member Dr. Harry Potter.  “For over 100 years, we’ve always been taught that there’s a lab somewhere in which scientists evolve new species every day in a test tube.  I’m like, really?  I’d like to work for that lab!  I was disappointed when I found out that such a lab does not exist.  All this time, I thought evolution was established scientific fact?  Imagine my excitement when I was recruited to be a part of the first ever successful evolutionary experiment, Project Turnip!”

Dr. Harry Potter’s contribution to this experiment was critical.  The experiment required a single turnip cell to be suspended and isolated before its transformation could occur.  This initially was performed using a complex array of lasers, a procedure commonly used in quantum physics experiments.  The cell must also be frozen and magnified for precise nano-instruments to work within the cellular membrane at the molecular level.  This proved not only expensive, but challenging for modern science.  The sub-zero temperatures are very hard on the living cells.  And, precise alignment of the lasers has been challenging because of what Dr. Evil referred to as, “humping of the lasers”.   Dr. Potter was able so solve all of these problems.  “It was rather easy.” says, Dr. Harry Potter.  “Once ready, I would wave my wand and chant a series of spells.  The cell would levitate, freeze in place, and then enlarge.”

Another team on the project was Team Tinkerbell.  An unlikely group of pixie fairies, their job included the delicate manipulation of the DNA.  This manipulation required precise severing of the DNA molecule only possible with magical pixie dust.  Once the cell was prepared by Dr. Potter, it was rebuilt into a human cell by Team Tinkerbell.

Dr. Pan with Team Tinkerbell
Unfortunately, like all other experiments with significant mutation, the host organism died.  It became apparent that a new method of incubation would be required for the host to survive.  Team Tinkerbell advised that the research group bring in specialists, in particular specialists in cellular aging.  “We were excited to be a part of this new breakthrough,” says Dr. Peter Pan of Team Pan.  “With degradation of the cell occurring so fast, we set up a special incubation lab in our home town of Neverland.  Here, the cell could grow without ever aging.  And, it worked!”

“This work now proves once and for all that evolutionary theory is factual and not some fairy tale.” – Dr. Bruce Banner

The final result of the team’s collaborative work is the first successful laboratory mutation showing “missing-link” evolution.  These “missing links” have always been elusive for evolutionists and many have thought them to be a fantasy.  “This work now proves once and for all that evolutionary theory is factual and not some fairy tale,” says world renowned scientist, Dr. Bruce Banner, also known as The Hulk.  “Those who have dismissed evolution as fantasy now finally have proof that they’re wrong.  I live mutation every day.  It is real.  It angers me that people have dismissed our science for so long.  That makes me mad!  Real mad!  Hulk smash!  Aaaarrrrggghhhh!”  Dr. Banner was no longer available for further comments.

Because of their success, the research teams of Potter, Tinkerbell, and Pan, led by Dr. Evil, have been renamed as the Dream Team.  Evolution is no longer a fantasy…it is indeed real.  Initially, the Dream Team’s next research project was to evolve a tadpole into a crocodile; but, Dr. Captain Hook on Team Pan was adamant against it.  For now, Dr. Evil is pleased that project “Mini-Me” will be their next experiment.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Evolution and the Ridiculous

by an obnoxious guy

During some “light” reading on my recent flight home from Florida, I read a fascinating article in December’s Scientific American magazine…in which I MUST share with you.  It was yet another article, written in intellectually-superior prose, describing how evolution really does exist.  Their proof:  a spider that “evolved” to look like its prey.   The jumping spider apparently “evolved” voluntarily to look like an ant.  It creepily hangs out un-noticed around the nest where it picks off prey one-by-one.  Like a scene from X-Men…or, X-Spiders…the jumping spider can slowly and voluntarily change its body to look like its food.  But, that’s not the fascinating part….

My first thought on the article:  are there still evolutionists around?  Didn’t they become extinct with medical phrenology?  I mean, their arguments are just plain ridiculous.  Spiders who morph into ants just for a meal?  I’m beginning to think the Neanderthals didn’t become extinct…they became evolutionists.  It’s like you and I live in houses with wi-fi and the evolutionists live in some damp hole throwing spears at cave art, refusing to join modern society.  Will they ever admit that they’re wrong?  But, that’s not the fascinating part….

And, it’s more than just one article about ants “evolving” sci-fi style that makes evolution theory ridiculous.  A couple years back, my wife and I visited the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.  As a professional nerd, I was amped to get my geek on.  Walking through the Smithsonian, it did not disappoint.  Then…there it was….lit up as the main attraction…lines filed in an orderly manner….it was: The Human Evolution Exhibit.  It was brand new…and, it still had that new exhibit smell!  The exhibit proposed that humans in Africa who migrated north to the cold “evolved” from tall, thin people into short, fat people to adapt the cold.  Really?  IT’S THE SMITHSONIAN!  THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE SMART!  I’ve been to Florida…it’s warm there and I’ve seen fat people…lots of them there.  While I may be completely wrong, my explanation for our biological diversity would be:  people who don’t like it hot move north; and, they tend to be shorter and fatter.  Instead, evolutionists suggest the opposite: people who don’t like the cold get short and fat.  I laughed so hard at their exhibit that I think I peed myself a little.  How did my visit end?  Disappointment…and, dirty underwear.  But, that’s not the fascinating part…

THIS is the fascinating part: some scientists still believe in evolution!  Does the theory of evolution even carry enough evidence to rank it as science?  Does society even believe spiders (or humans) could voluntarily change their bodies in catastrophic proportions to adapt?  Do you, yourself, believe such transformations can occur voluntarily?  It’s like the P.T. Barnum & Bailey Circus has come to town and they’re charging 50 cents to see the Evolution freak-show.  In my filing cabinet at home, I have filed “Evolution Theory” in my “Ridiculous” folder.

To illustrate my point, I have presented The Smithsonian’s explanation of the Theory of Evolution and my rebuttal to its absurdity in a nice, easy-to-read pictogram below.  Just remember what the Smithsonian says about human evolution: tall, thin people who like hot weather became short, fat people to adapt to the cold in the north.

It’s cold in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark; yet, how do evolutionists explain that Scandinavians tend to be tall and thin?  The answer:  they can’t.  Yet, they pass their Theory of Evolution off as “science”.  In these four simple photos, I have challenged the entire evolutionary scientific field…and, it took about 5 minutes to build this pictogram.  If Nicki Minaj moved to Sweden, how long would it take for her to look Swedish?  One year?  Ten years?  One hundred thousand years?  Can we just send her there and find out?  The answer is: not in our lifetime.

I thereby end my rebuttal of evolutionary theory and hereby re-classify it on my Netflix list from Drama to Comedy.  It’s just not serious enough to be drama.  In fact, evolution is “theory” because it has not yet been proven.  And, I’m guessing it never will be proven.  Sure, evolutionists have Nikki Minaj…but, does that really make them better than me?  What evolutionists don’t have is a future in science.  That makes them the incandescent bulb in a room full of LED’s, and on the evolutionary extinction list.